Rain was predicted yesterday and today and all day yesterday it was cloudy and rainy looking as it was today right up till Sunday down when the Sun did shine a bit through some open spaces in the clouds. It was spring temps too. I just know another cold spell has to hit, but maybe I'll luck out and it won't. hahaha... Tomorrow it is suppose to reach into the 70's, wow I am keeping the car tomorrow and taking a ride. Of course The Oklahoma wind is blowing like crazy. Rodgers and Hammerstein really nailed this state in their song Oklahoma. The winds do sweep down the plains. In fact a couple of days we had quite the dust storms. I would hope that we would never see it as bad as it was in the dust bowl days. I pray that we don't, though sometimes I wonder when they are plowing all around here getting ready to plant and it's been pretty dry over the past few years.
Not much going on today. I actually napped a couple of times. I need to work on some crocheting or see about a good book to start reading. I rediscovered my photobucket account and have all my cute little Sadie girl graphics I would like to use, but am not sure where to link them back to. If anyone can tell me would be appreciated. I know she has a craft blog here on blogspot, but am not sure she does graphics anymore. I'd really like to use my weekday and weather ones. Till next time.
Love and Hugs,
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