Thursday, March 29, 2012

Puppy Mom

     Oh the joys of raising and teaching a new puppy the rules, lol.  It's pretty wild around here now, but one thing I appreciate is that he likes to take several naps for a nice length of time.  I need to vacuum as I haven't for a few days due to needing some new bags.  I wonder how he will do with it.  I'm sure he'll bark at it, but I hope he doesn't the whole time and gets use to it.  We gave him his first of two parvo shots today and he didn't mind it one bit.  I use frontline for ticks and fleas and can use it on him, which is good that he is old enough to apply it.  I gather the ticks will be bad this year as will the mosquito's.  I need to get to Wal Marts and get him a good supply of toys.  He loves my old house shoes, and the toys we've gotten so far, but he doesn't have that one yet that will keep his attention for more than 5 minutes.  He goes from one thing to another and then is on the hunt to find something else to chew and play with.  I feel mean taking his found treasures away from him, but he will learn eventually that his toys are his and my stuff is mine, lol. 
     He loves to be outside and just sniffs and has his little nose in the grass all the time.  Was fine till he found a dead mouse and just keep rubbing and rubbing all over it.  Bath time, and he wasn't to happy, but hope he'll get use to it in time.  It's wearing on me though to be constantly looking to see where he is and what he is into.  If I don't see him I know he is checking out things and might get into something he shouldn't.  That is usually the case, lol.  Nights are good though.  When I am ready for bed I turn off the tv and he lets me pick him up easily and put him in his cage.  I love that he is quiet all night until I am up and ready to let him out.  Having a pup that doesn't cry all night is a real blessing :-)
      So that is how my world is revolving these days.  Hope yours is going well.  Till next time.

Love and Hugs,

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Busy and Dealing with Tragedy

     I'm sorry I've been absent for quite some time and my thanks to friends who have stopped by and asked about me.  About a week and a half ago it was Spring break.  We had Preston a couple of days and JD took him to a Train Museum which was a whole day.  They had a blast and I have a few pictures to share in another post.  It was a busy week and though I felt good I had times I wasn't but it seemed that I managed to stay very busy.  Then one night tragedy hit.  JD had taken Buddy my beloved doxie out to do his thing.  JD had come back in for a few seconds, I can't even remember what for, but went back out.  During that short time something had happened.  He called and called and Buddy didn't come.  That is very unusual.  Also he never went out of areas I trained him to stay in when he was out.  He was always within sight.  JD came in and looked thinking that Buddy might of snuck back in, but I told him no.  So he went out again and called and so did I.  It was the strangest feeling being so quiet for one as he was always barking at something.  We eventually gave up and came back inside and I just had this horrible gut feeling.  Some how we managed to go to bed for the night.  Although JD told me he couldn't sleep well and even got up late in the early morning hours and went outside to call and look for him again. 
     When I got up JD said that we won't find Buddy.  He had went out when it was light to look and out by the barn and in an area the outside light didn't show he found a bunch of tracks and some blood.  We had been seeing coyotes around and JD had been carrying a shot gun in the truck if needed.  Seen we've lived here when have only lost 2 calves to coyotes in the last 20+ years, but you always need to be prepared.  We also have been hearing that wild pigs are now showing up in this part of the country.  In my heart I knew he was right, yet it seem so unreal.  My heart just was sick and has been because it was hard to picture in my mind what had happened.  His back problems were so much better but he was slower in running and tired out quickly.  It still pains me to think of what happened when he went to see what was there and then to be attacked. 
     He had been through so much in his 8 years, the attack by one of our outside dogs 4 or 5 years ago when my sil and a vet friend of hers said not to expect him to live.  Yet he did and even the vet said he was a miracle dog.  To me he was that and so much more.  Then since Jan. and 6 weeks of confinement in a special bed we made for him he came back almost 100% to being his old self.  He even could sit up again, but we made him stop that.  Doxies are prone to have serious back problems with those long little bodies.  But with confinement and time sometimes they come back without having to have surgery.  It's very expensive surgery too, which I knew we really couldn't afford. 
     I will miss my little Buddy more than words can express.  He was my constant companion and that was like a life saver for me since I can't get out much.  He didn't like to be held much, but every now and then I could pick him up and he would just lie in my arms letting me pet and kiss on him.  Like he knew I needed that extra lovin' and he did too.  He was always by my side, lying on my feet most of the time.  He like to play and chew, much to my dismay, lol...  He ruined a lot of things around here, but he was just so sweet and lovable that it was hard to stay mad and upset with him.  His constant love and devotion to me made up for any of the bad things he did.  Buddy I will miss you so much!  Even JD misses him a lot.  He had grown very attach to him over the years.  Since we moved out here on the farm I've not had the best luck keeping a little dog.  Something always seemed to happen.  Buddy was with me for 8 wonderful years.  I would of loved many more, but I guess it just wasn't to be.  May you be happy my little sweetheart at rainbow bridge till the day we meet again! 

The day I got Buddy, a Birthday gift
from my sister-in-law Becky.  He was
just precious then as he was 8 years

       Knowing I am not happy without a dog to love and care for.  I had help from my daughter and a dear sweet friend of hers, Lindy.  Lindy knew of this little puppy that was looking for a home.  He was left at a groomer's she used and the sign said free to a good home.   He was going to be a small dog and seem to fit the bill for what I wanted and liked.  So I said yes if he was still available.  I know it seemed soon after my loss but I know Buddy wouldn't of minded my getting another little one to care for.  So Curly, named by JD came into our lives.

     We are not sure of his exact breed but I see a lot of terrier in him with maybe some chihuahua.  The fur around his face is not as long and thick as in some terriers, also his little tail is long and curls up over his back.  He is a mix for sure, lol.  Also he is about 2 months old so I have had my hands full keeping him busy for he is still in the playing and biting stage.  He is crate trained though and does very well at night.  He goes right in, might bark once or twice but settles right down and is quiet all night.  He will potty outside except for pooping,  We are working on that, but so far no real luck.  All I can say is that at least they aren't runny and easy to clean up and he seems to have found one place to do it, so it's easy for me to clean up.  lol   He is a handful.  He needs training on the lease to.  And I'm glad it's warm weather where I can be outside with him.  I am trying to teach him as I did Buddy that he can only go so far.  So far it is working when he is with me.  When JD takes him out he ventures a bit farther, but JD can chase him down easier than me when it's time to come back in.  I use treats to get him to come in and so far it's doing great to get him back on the porch.
     So this is what I have been up to.  I am emotionally worn out from Buddy's loss.  I still have him on my mind so much and have even called Curly Buddy several times.  I know in time the pain will ease and soon Curly will be as good a companion as Buddy was.  But Buddy will always hold a special place in my heart.  I thank God for good memories, and the time he allows me to love each of my little friends.

Love and Hugs,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Storms go away

     Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, but it's been working on it here for a few weeks.  Today we've had our first big rain with lighting and thunder.  Most of it has passed for the moment and so I thought I would get in here and post.  I know I haven't for a couple of days, but nothing big or truly exciting has happened to post about.  I got out all my crochet items and began a shawl.  When it gets a bit further along I'll take a pic of it.  It's a light blue so I think it's going to be very pretty. 
     This week is spring break for the schools.  I'll be keeping Preston the next 4 days so I hope I have time to post something, lol.  Might be the evening time before I do.  I'm trying to think of some things we can do together instead of just watching tv.  He loves to play with his little cars, but I have problems getting down on the floor to play with him.  Buddy will help to keep him entertained too. *smiles*  Preston has a noticeable scar on his left eyebrow from Buddy.  The only time Buddy snaps at him is when he is trying to take food or something from his mouth.  Preston learned his lesson though and has quit doing that. 
     I hear some rumbling so might be in for some more rain and all the goodies that come with a storm.  So I'll cut this off and wait a bit and then make my visits.  I hope everyone had a great week-end. Till next time.....

         Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambition.
         Small people always do that, but the really great make you
         feel that you, too, can become great.
                                                                  --Mark Twain

Love and Hugs

Friday, March 16, 2012

Good Morning

     Finally I have gotten my sinus headache under control.  I find that using Sudafed with Ibuprophen is the best way that I can get rid of them.  A bit of sneezing this morning, but overall I am finally feeling decent again. *smiles*  Today is another cloudy day with the Sun peeking through at times.  The next 5 days it all shows very cloudy with higher chances of rain.  Besides needing rain it will help clear the air so I really shouldn't complain. 
     I am going to take my camera around with me on the days I get out and start getting some pictures.  I've been very neglect in getting anything over the past year.  I visit a blog called A Rural Journal,  it's blog writer is named Nancy to and she is a former city girl transplanted to the country.  She shares many pictures that she takes as she drives around and she is great to visit.  I see many interesting things around here too so I may start a photo journey of my area to share.  It should be a lot of fun, and I might pick up some talent in taking photos.  I had once thought about taking a photo class at the college here, but Emily took it and besides needing a fancier camera, which I can't afford, it looked a bit hard.  So I never signed up.  I might look on the net and see if I can find any sights that would help.  I love candid shots the best, but never can see to capture what I am seeing.  One thing I find is when I see a good shot by the time I push to get it there is a short pause before the camera takes it and most of the time the subject has moved.  I find I get the back of heads or not so good side views of people. lol.. Any tips anyone wants to share would be appreciated. 
     JD had to work today, working for someone as a favor and he is suppose to get off around noon, but he feels that it will possibly be later.  He took his pick up and left the car as today is our day to pick Preston up from school and if he can't get away then I will go and get him.  As for what the rest of the day my world holds, well that is yet to happen.  Always some time spent doing things around the house, but maybe something else exciting will happen to write about.  I just never know till it happens. 
     I see another big tornado did a lot of damage in WI.  They sure get around the country anymore.  I don't feel like mid America is the tornado belt anymore.  They are happening every where and in some states I would never of dreamed they would hit.  They still hit in Oklahoma enough though.  They really turn the lives of  those hit topsy turvy.  Such damage from wind, Is one of God's wonders for sure.
     I will take off for now.  If anything exciting happens will post about it tomorrow.  Till then I'll leave you with this thought....

             It's impossible to overstate the value of One Day
             No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow

Love and Hugs,

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Feeling Lousy

   Felt bad yesterday due to the weather, it's cloudy but no rain and the dew point and humidity is off the charts for me.  Then I couldn't sleep last night even though we turned on the a/c in the bedroom to lessen the humidity.  I woke up this morning with a sinus headache that just has put me down.  I was suppose to go to the Senior Citizen Center for Bingo at 10am, but just couldn't get motivated to get dressed and up soon enough.  I went to town anyway as I had a couple of errands I needed to get done.  JD is usually off on Thursday, but he is working the feed store all day.  I mostly wanted to pick up something for my headache.  I got some 12 hr Sudafed, it's help some but the headache is still there.  I plan to go lie down in a minute and see if I can get a nap in.  It's a balmy day, with a high wind, but not cold.  I am sitting here feeling cold and clammy at the same time.  I wish I could get by without this pain of allergies.  Where does it come from?
      I didn't get any visits in either yesterday, but will try and make the rounds this afternoon.  Till next time....Think of this.

                  Live so that your friends can defend you, but never have to...
                                                                                     -- Arnold Glasow

Love and Hugs,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sleep Perchance to Dream

     I wish I knew why I can't sleep at night.  Last night I was up and down until about 5:30 am Then when I fell asleep JD woke me up when he left and Buddy started Barking from his bed and I couldn't fall back to sleep.  So reluctantly I got up feeling horrible on just maybe 2 hours sleep.  Of course I laid down this afternoon and slept until now and it's almost time for JD to be heading home.  I do this quite frequently and now I'll probably not be able to go to sleep tonight.  It really frustrates me as I am tired and want to sleep, but just can't.  I can't think of anything particular that I'm worried or stressed about.  I guess I just mess up my time clock and get turned around.  I don't know why I worry so much as I've always been a night owl, ever since I can remember.  Even working the graveyard shift for years because it was easier for me to be awake and alert.  It was a pain much of the time when the kids were little and growing up.  I would be lucky to get 3 or 4 hours sleep before they came home from school and I would take a nap in the evening before I had to leave for work.  Now that I am home I can't seem to get my body schedule turned around.  If I ever have to go to a home when I am a lot older  I will drive the help crazy,  lol...
      Another nice day.  The clouds keep the sun from shining most of the time, but it's around 75 degrees right now.  It's suppose to make it up to the low 80's but not sure it's going to make it.  Since I've slept most of the day away, not much to chat about.  A couple of my favorite shows are on tonight so I'll just settle down and watch them.  Also I started reading Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue"  Bought it out of curiosity some I'm anxious to see if it's any good.  It's a book book, got it before I got my Kindle.  I love my kindle.  It doesn't talk or anything, just down load books to read.  You can categorise them into different types of literature which makes it easier to keep up with what you have.  Only thing I wish it would do is mark a book somehow to let me know I've already read it.  I would like to get the Kindle Fire one day.  Would be fun to have one you can interact with and watch movies on.
     Well I did post a picture, it's my new profile picture of my perm.  I believe I really needed it to be a bit more curly as it's so much body that it will fall out pretty quickly.  What really hurts a perm for me is having to wear that cpap mask every night.  It does push the hair down and the curl disappears faster till I wash it again.  Not a problem I guess since I really don't go anywhere that often.  I can wash it quickly and air dry it or use my brush curling iron to make it a different look.  I hate the picture.  I look so old, so many wrinkles and I look so pale to me.  I feel I am one who is not aging gracefully, lol... 
     This is rather short.  Maybe my world will hold more excitement tomorrow.  Emily saw the doctor yesterday and everything is going well.  They want her to lose and I need to lose badly myself.  I get so little exercise that cutting my calories way back is about the only way I drop weight anymore.  I can't get my son or hubby to bring my treadmill back into the house, but with my knee being so bad I don't know as I'd be able to use it that much.  Every little bit helps though.  I will put some upbeat music on and move while in my chair.  I do believe that though it doesn't help much it does help some.  So till next time I'll leave you with this thought......

          .... True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day that goes by ...
                                                                                          -- E. S. Bouton

Love and Hugs,

Monday, March 12, 2012

Woohoo a pretty week ahead

     It's predicted to be in the 80's today and the next two days and then the mid 70's the rest of the week.  After a dreary week-end and some much needed rain, it will be nice to see the sun and blue sky again for a few days. *smiles*  I kept the car today, and called the senior citizen center to see what they had going today.  Not much so I guess I won't be going any where.  I don't go shopping alone any more and if I do I usually see when Emily can go and we will head out late.  Our Wal Mart is open 24 hours and if I need anything specific I can usually find it there. 
     So I have my itunes up right now listening to my play lists.  I am trying to collect all my favorite songs over the years and I'm doing pretty good so far.  They had my all time favorite song by the orginal artist and I was so thrilled to get it.  You may laugh, but this song can really get you movin' lol  I love to dance and the songs from my teen years and younger were great.  So my favorite you ask?  Well it's "Dancing in the Streets" by Martha and the Vandella's.  Every time I hear it I feel like I could just get out and start dancing and get everyone else to join in.  lol.  A flash dance, wouldn't that be cool.  Now just to have a way to play it where it would blast out in a big lot or neighborhood. *smiles*  My dancing days are just about over, but I can sit and move to the music and feel like I'm getting a great work out anyway! If I start losing and toning up any, may think about a sit down work out video, hehehe
     I love having my new iphone Emily gave me for my birthday.  I am playing words with friends on the phone will typing my post.  I've even used it to harvest my FV crops and send and receive requests.  So cool.  I download one app that I can't wait till the nights become warm enough to sit out.  It's called Sky View and it is to name planets and will do all kinds of things when you point it up to the night sky.  I would love to get a really good telescope some day and star gaze.  I really want to learn to recognize all the groups of stars that make up say Gemini.  Right now all I can recognize is the big and little dippers. lol  They say you're never to old to learn and that would seem like a very interesting hobby.
     Well not sure what the rest of the day holds for me.  I leave the porch door to the house open on very nice days like this as the porch is enclosed and Buddy can go out there and bark away without driving me crazy. lol..  Going to try and get a bit of cleaning done.  So much needs doing, but I have to do it in very slow tiny increments in order not to hurt and breathe so hard.  Would be nice to be able to afford a house keeper for even 1 day a month.  But don't know of anyone who even cleans.  No one even advertises in the paper here.  Oh well I do what I can get done and the rest waits till I make it there.  lol.... 
     I really appreciate the quotes people share on their blogs.  Thought when I close I would share a few of my favorites with everyone.  So till next time....

    "Conditions are never just right.
     People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing."
                                                                                       --William Feather

Love and Hugs,

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Farm Life

     Before I get started I want to say I feel a bit better today, no more sneezing or cough.  Mostly a mild sinus headache that comes and goes.  I thought I would share a picture with you I took yesterday morning.  I want to say first that if you are eating or it makes you a bit you know, lol... That this is just part of life I have to deal with. 

     Ah the joys of farm life,  This I found just outside my porch door when letting Buddy out.  It's part of what I deal with, having a hubby who lets the cows go wherever the choose and a dog who doesn't see or care where he goes.  I'm not sure what you all have heard them called, but I call them cow paddies.  It will be removed, but it's better to let it completely dry before you do it. hehehe....  They make good manure fertilizer for your garden and flowers though.  I just don't keep them where you have to walk carefully or around them to get in the house.  Well at least the grass is getting green and will need mowing soon.

     Thanks to the well wishes from you all.  I know now it's not a cold and just allergies because I'm so much better   I truly am so glad to be blogging again and have such wonderful friends to keep in touch with.  A great quote I like is....

     There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship
                                                                            --St. Thomas Aquinas

     When I decided to quit blogging and I believe it's been a year, more or less, since I last entered a entry to my blog.  So when I decided to come back I just began this new one.  It feels like a truly fresh start.  So many wonderful ladies became friends, yet so many, like me, left.  But those of us still here... well I want you to know just how much your welcoming me back and visiting has meant everything.  I hope we'll never lose touch again.

     Not much else going on here for now.  Watching a good movie, Back Draft,  it's been a long time since I've watched it.  So will get back to it.  Till next time....

Love and Hugs,

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ugh Allergies

     I am not feeling well,  I am sneezing and blowing till I think I'm going to scream! lol  Then I am chilled while feeling hot at the same time.  Sleeping it hard because the oxygen I receive through the cpap is irritating my nose making it hurt and burn.  I wake up having to remove the mask for about ten minutes before I can put it back on.  This happens a couple of times a night.  Then I get cold and cover up only to be woken up not and sweaty especially from the waist up.  My poor feet and legs never get hot.  So If I don't post for a day or two don't fret.  I'll be back. 
     Emily and many others I know have been sick with something more than allergies.  I suspect is is a form of flu.  She was home and off work for 3 days.  I hope I don't catch that.  My new perm looks like h e double heck right now.  To be truthful I don't care. lol... So till I get to feeling better, or at least have something truly worthy to post about I might be gone a day or two.  Probably won't clear up though till everything buds and spring is over. 
     Don't forget to turn you clocks up.  My friend Toni has a neat tip to do for turning up your clocks especially if it upsets you, the kids or family.  Also she always has cool trivia information almost every post.  Till next time.....
Love and air kisses

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Windy In Ok

     You just can't be in Oklahoma and not feel, what it is famous for, the wind.  When Rodgers and Hammerstein penned the song Oklahoma they nailed it right on the head!.  The first line of their song,  Oklahoma, where the wind come sweeping down the plains!!  lol.... Well we've been experiencing it for close to a week.  We live up on a hill out away from town by 3 miles.  When you step outside the wind will blast you to a point, that if you are out in it for any length of time, you'll feel so tired and beaten when you get out of it.  Yesterday I had a hair appointment and got a perm.  I was going to use my walker, because of the very hard wind.  When I tried to leave I really almost fell just trying to get out the porch door.  The walker was making it very difficult.  I managed and got to the car, but when I came home I just left it in the car.  I walked very slowly and made it although my knee was giving me fits.  If you are going to live in Oklahoma you just need to be prepared to deal with high winds especially during the spring.
     I kept my hair long when getting the perm and when it was done I was pleased.  I let it dry naturally and though it's not an extremely tight curl it will be nice in the body it will give my hair.  I have a roller brush heating item and I can curl it quickly for a nice body look if I get out.  Otherwise it will be a fizzy like bush at home.  Actually it is like that because of having to use the cpap mask to sleep.  It just weighs areas down where the straps go.  I can have a really bad case of bed head in the mornings, lol..  I enjoy going to get my hair done,  My hairdresser is so fun to chat with and always so bubbly and happy.  She can talk and talk lol.  I texted Emily, who has been home sick since Sunday, to come and chat with us a bit. She would be going to pick up Preston soon so she came by and chatted with us for awhile.
     Wednesday is Survivor night, yeah!!  Boy last night was something else.  The girls won the reward challenge and got them a tarp.  The immunity challenge the men won, but they decided they wanted to rid themselves of a member so badly that they voted to give the girls their immunity idol and go to council instead.  Jeff was really blown away as this was the first time in 20 seasons that this had been done.  Colton is pretty much the leader of the men and he wanted to get rid of Bill badly simply because he didn't like him as he felt he was a bum for being a stand up comic with another job.  I personally don't like Colton, who is a very spoiled Gay college student.  He admited is only relation with a black was their housekeeper who though the pay is just like one of the family.  Sound like a family that could of been one from the book, "The Help"!! Anyway is annoying in his attitude and I just want to slap him when he does this roll of his head and eyes all the time.  Anyway Bill got voted off, although I thought it might be Leif since most of the group blamed him for being a traitor when he told Bill they wanted to vote him off.  The show is such a soap opera and I am always amazed at how the people will do about anything to be the sole survivor.  lol...
     Here are a few pictures from Preston's classes last day of celebrating Dr. Seuss and having their Green Eggs and Ham snack. 
Patiently Waiting

The Goodies

umm, do I like it.
He did, lol....

    Well this is how my world has been turning.  I meant to post earlier but still having problems with my internet connection popping on and off and when I went to try earlier this morning it went by by.  So hopefully it won't happen while I'm getting this done now
Till next time...
Love and Hugs

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Missed again

     I missed blogging yesterday, but it wasn't intentional.  I've decided to start replaying this game on FB again and now I realize why I all but quit.  This game is called Farmville and is very popular with a lot of people and many of my friends.  I really enjoyed it for the longest time and even liked it when they added a new farm you could start.  Yet it's very annoying for me because it takes forever to load the game and then when you play it actions for the game such as the request list will open then freeze up the game and I have to reload the page to get back to it, causing another long delay in loading the opening page.  Then they added these things to add to the farms that you have to build.  You basically have to ask for items to finish it and often it will take forever to get what you need, then they have a load of upgrades and you start all over to make it bigger or better.  Of course they are nifty and you want to add them, but oh it takes forever to get it totally upgraded to what you want.  As you plant, plow and harvest you receive coins, but they also have what you call Farmville Cash and for that you have to pay real money.  Another problem in that it can become addictive because of much nicer items to buy in the market place, homes, fences and other cool accessories to make your farm more fun.  It starts out very innocent in that you buy say 55 fv cash for 10.00 dollars, but then you start getting more and more to buy the cooler items for your farm.  For someone like me on SS disability it's really not affordable, but as I say you almost become addicted to doing it.  A main reason I quit before.  You can send items they have special to give as gifts or the person will request them.  I get so many request and was feeling a bit bad because I wasn't sending any to my friends who continued to play.  So I thought I would try it again.  So if I miss you can almost but I was stuck in FB all day,  lol  and if it gets to expensive for me again  I will probably just totally quit.  Don't want to be labeled a Farmville addict, haha.
     Not much else happened yesterday, it was a lovely day outside, sunshine and in the 70's again.  Today it is cloudy with chance of rain.  Of course it would be on the day I have a perm scheduled.  Just hope I don't get really frizzy before the day is out.  I didn't nap all day so I laid down about 5:30 after JD got home and it was a little after 10pm when I woke up and he had come to bed.  I got up and watched a bit of tv and then played a game online and went back to bed.  But I know it was after 4am before I fell back to sleep.  I really hate when my nights get messed up like that, but it happens pretty often.  Mostly I'm just not sleepy when I go back to bed and I'll lie there trying hard to fall asleep with my mind going 90 miles an hour thinking of things.  I should just get back up but then I eventually will get very tired again and fall back to sleep around the time I did.  It just makes getting up in the mornings hard.  I feel lousy, still tired but know if I go back to bed I'll sleep the day away.   This dreary and very windy day doesn't not help.
     Guess that about covers it for this time.  I'll be around to make my visits this afternoon or evening.  Till next time.....

Love and Hugs

Monday, March 5, 2012

Computers Arg!!!!!

     My pages are loading so slow!! At least my connection is better, not totally great but alot better than it has been in awhile.  If I could just figure out why my pages load so slow... Mostly though I will it admit it's Facebook that gives me the worst problem and it is especially worse when I am trying to play the only game I play on there and that is Farmville.  I've been playing on it most of the morning, but now it won't even load for me!!  I know some of you have the same problem at times.  It's just so frustrating.  I really stopped playing for quite awhile, but kept getting so many help requests I decided to go back.  I am not going to do many of the quests anymore for they really can bog it down, lol... Any suggestions of how to make Farmville do better would be nice if you have one. 
     I didn't post yesterday, but I meant to.  Oh well I doubt it will hurt to miss a day now and then.  I see many of my old blogging friends sometimes are going for long periods.  But I will continue to drop by, for I might catch someone whose posted *smiles*
      Today I asked to keep the car,  I just wanted to get out of the house for awhile and I had a couple of small errands I could do.  I wish there were say a group of people who like to play cards here, but alas there isn't anyone and I don't know enough people to start one.  The senior citizen center has things, but they are just as odd times and for a certain amount of time.  I may still make an effort to go when they are playing dominoes or cards.  I left the house door to the porch open, it's so lovely out and is suppose to reach up into the mid 70's today.  Buddy is loving it,  he'll come in and take a nap by my feet and then will hear something and run out on the porch and bark up a storm.  Funny thing is that nothing is out there.  Now even the cattle or horse,  lol..  Bet when they head up this way, which they usually do sometime during the day, Buddy will have a barking party for sure, lol. 
     I'd take pictures of Buddy, but when I have the camera out he will never look at me or it.  I get tired of always seeing his back end, lol.  I am going to get a cat.  JD's not to happy about it, but I believe I mentioned it earlier.  Well I talked to our cousin who has the Feed Store and he has a niece or family member who has some cats and the babies are 3 months old now.  He is suppose to see if they would give me one.  I could go to the animal shelter, but want to wait till it's a big warmer to tackle the trip.  I also discover on an animal site that there is an adoption shelter for chi chu chu's in Tuttle which is close.  Buddy being 8 now and having back problems I know at least a place where I can find a small dog to adopt. 
     Well am going to make my visits in a minute and call it time on blogging for today.  If any thing exciting happens later I'll mention it tomorrow.  My world is turning good, how is yours today?

Love and Hugs

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Quiet Day

     What another beautiful day the Lord has given us here.  Some clouds but mostly blue sky and sunshine the whole day.  I was thinking it was suppose to have chance of rain today, but I am glad I was wrong.  My entire day has gone quietly.  JD works on Saturdays and half day on Sundays.  Today I spent playing a couple of my favorite games on Pogo.  Then I washed my hair.  That is quite the job anymore for me.  I can't get into the tub without JD's help anymore to bathe.  I needed to wipe out the tub a bit and when I bend my right knee just screams in pain.  I almost thought it was going to lock up on me.  I guess JD will have to clean the tub now too.  Bless his heart,  He does all the grocery shopping now, a lot of the laundry and then helping me when I need it.  I'm so grateful he does it with a willing attitude.  It's the pits when your body starts breaking down.  I am thinking of knee surgery a lot lately, but the PT is very hard and painful and with my breathing problems I'm not sure I could do them effectively.  Also I really hate having surgery and don't look forward to it when it's been necessary.  I had a bowel obstruction and emergency surgery a couple of years ago and was in the hospital for well over 10 day and a lot of it in ICU.  So any surgery just is something I try to avoid.  Also the cost.  If medicare pays then I'd consider it, but if not because it's elective surgery I will just pass and even though I may end up in a w/c or using a scooter of some sort I know I could live with that. 
     Not much else went on today.  I haven't talked to either of the Kids. Both work so hard I know they're time off on the week-end is their time to just relax, or plan more active things.  I thought about keeping the car this morning, but I was so sleepy when JD came in to say good-bye that I didn't really care or think about it at the time. 
     Wednesday I am keeping it as I have a hair appointment to get a perm.  I took a picture this morning after I'd washed my hair.  My hair has really grown and it's not be long, well since I was in high school.  I posted it on FB, it's not a very  good picture, but I know all of my friends have seen my profile and other pictures and my hair as always been colored and short.  I never get any comments when I post on FB so I am not sure how many friends have seen it.  But if you want a laugh and we're friends check out my timeline page.  It will be there.  lol....
     That's about it in my world today.  Going to watch the Huckabee Forum of Fox News tonight They will be questioning Romney, Santorum and Newt on Jobs and the economy.  These forums Huckabee has been having are great.  It's not like the debates, much more pinpoint on the issues they are planning to discuss.  Hope you all have a great evening!!

Love and Hugs,

Friday, March 2, 2012

Suess Week!

     Today is Dr. Seuss's birthday!  Preston's class at school had Dr. Seuss week.  It sounded so fun and his teacher is on FB and I am friends with her so got to see and download from the pictures she took during the week of the fun things they did.  Monday was crazy outfit day, Tues crazy hat and Wed. crazy socks.  Thurs they each brought their favorite Dr. Seuss book.  Preston's was Green eggs and Ham.  Today they snacked on Green eggs and Ham.  A cute snack that his teacher prepared for them and they watch The Cat in the Hat movie.  Next week the class is going on a field trip to the Movies to see the new Seuss movie The Lorax.  Emily is taken off to go with them.  Here are Preston's crazy outfit and socks.  His hat is the picture of him in the previous post.  His cowboy hat, lol.. They've really had a fun week at school.  Almost makes me wish I could of participated. *smiles*

His Seuss crazy socks

His Seuss Crazy Outfit.

      So cute!.  Well so much for me blogging late night or early,  lol..  I woke up with my eyes very tired and hurting this morning.  Went back to bed and didn't get back up till about noon.  Every Friday is Papa's day to pick up Preston from school.  He takes him to town usually to get a treat and then out here till Mom gets off work.  Last Friday and this Friday Emily stayed for awhile  Her dad is helping her learn to shoot a pistol.  She is thinking about getting one because a lot of the places she visits are in not great neighborhoods.  She'll get all the permits she needs to carry one, but I am praying she will never have to use it.  I sat outside to watch for a bit.  It was a very pretty day, but only up in the high 50's.  Though the breeze was light after a bit I got cold so came back in.  She bought me an iphone for my birthday so tonight she fixed my old phone for JD to use.  It's a nice phone,  it had a keyboard which I miss, but I love my iphone so am not going to gripe, lol.  To call and receive calls he should be able to work it, but actually the simpler the phone the better for him.
     I am getting my yarn out to try and start crocheting again.  I want to make a couple of prayer shawls for some friends.  They are so pretty and nice.  I believe I have enough of a couple of colors to make at least 2.  I am going to look for a pretty but easy afghan pattern to make one for next winter.  I want it fairly tight with not alot of open looks to it so it will be warm to wrap up in.  We truly had a mild winter and last year it was mostly mild, so I just know a cold one has to be coming. 
     It really is spring like but will soon be hot.  Spring just doesn't seem to last very long anymore.  All the trees, grasses and weeds are coming out and those with allergies are suffering a bit right now.  My windows are open most of the time now, I still close them at night as it can really cool down.  But I just love having the sound of the outdoors where I can hear it.  Our heifer's are calving right now too, so far we have 3. They are so cute when they are babies, lol.  You can't ever get close to them though, as the mommas are super protective.  JD's seen come coyotes lately, but so far the mommas have done a great job of keeping the little ones safe.  There is a canyon north of the house, quite a ways and often the coyotes will have a litter or two down in there and at night you can hear the pups crying out.  You use to hear the oil wells at night too, but lately alot of them run on a timing system and they are not as noticeable as when they were going all the time.  It can get quite noisy at night with all the sounds, but you often just get use to it and eventually it will lull you to sleep. 
     That is pretty much how my world turn for today.  There is never anything on TV for Friday's although we do like to watch this show called Storage Wars.  It's mostly repeats right now though.  May something good will start on Fridays over the next few months.  Anyone like the next OWN network that is Oprah's new adventure?  I watch a few shows on it, but it is showing alot of other network shows too.  It's ok but not what I felt it was hyped up to be.  Till tomorrow then.

Love and Hugs,  Nancze