Friday, March 9, 2012

Ugh Allergies

     I am not feeling well,  I am sneezing and blowing till I think I'm going to scream! lol  Then I am chilled while feeling hot at the same time.  Sleeping it hard because the oxygen I receive through the cpap is irritating my nose making it hurt and burn.  I wake up having to remove the mask for about ten minutes before I can put it back on.  This happens a couple of times a night.  Then I get cold and cover up only to be woken up not and sweaty especially from the waist up.  My poor feet and legs never get hot.  So If I don't post for a day or two don't fret.  I'll be back. 
     Emily and many others I know have been sick with something more than allergies.  I suspect is is a form of flu.  She was home and off work for 3 days.  I hope I don't catch that.  My new perm looks like h e double heck right now.  To be truthful I don't care. lol... So till I get to feeling better, or at least have something truly worthy to post about I might be gone a day or two.  Probably won't clear up though till everything buds and spring is over. 
     Don't forget to turn you clocks up.  My friend Toni has a neat tip to do for turning up your clocks especially if it upsets you, the kids or family.  Also she always has cool trivia information almost every post.  Till next time.....
Love and air kisses


  1. Happy Friday Nancze,
    LOL I went to your old blog by accident and saw you were closing it and thought oh my already then I saw the date Nov 2008 hahaha I need to change tour link :) So sorry you are feeling so bad! I sure hope you are feeling better soon Nancze! Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. Feel better soon and don't forget to come back and post.

  3. Hi Nancze, Sorry your not feeling well. Get better soon. *hugs*

  4. Hi Nancze!
    I hope you're feeling better soon. So far, this winter, I haven't got bit by the cold bug. My brother has twice, though, which is unusual for him. Paul rarely gets colds. Love the new pics of Preston, he's so adorable :). I'm back on FB, I reinstated my account. After all that huffing and puffing I did, lol. Hope that wind has died down, too. ((hugs))
