Friday, April 27, 2012

Late Rural Thursday post

     Not much going on today.  Was spending the morning playing my game on FB and now going to vacuum the den and get ready for Preston this afternoon.  Had my routine Dr.'s appointment yesterday and all the labs came back looking great.  So no return for 3 months.  I was also pleased to see I have lost over 30lbs since my last visit, so cutting back on the calories is working.  I really hope it continues to work. 
     I missed my Rural Thursday entry yesterday.  With my doctor's appt. I got busy and didn't even get on the pc.  So will add it today.  Below is a picture of a big part of what Oklahoma is all about.  I'm sure you can easily guess what it is by looking at it. *smiles*

     Yep it's an oil well rig.  We had two wells on our property, but the water well that was dug to increase the oil production is now on the northside of the farm and belongs to our northern neighbor.  The oil well on this side is just below our house.  The pump is on a timer now so does not constantly pump oil as it use to.  The money earned of course goes to JD's parents and they will I am sure divide the dividends somehow when they both have passed away.  But at one time you could see oil digging rigs like above all over the state.  Although they still do a lot of drilling it is not as much as it use to be.  Still this state plays a large part of the oil and gas industry.  I don't know of anyone who would not allow drilling to be done on their property because they do a great job of being very good at conserving the land around it.  Also the money dividends aren't overlooked, lol..  They also maintain the sites and roads that they use so it doesn't effect the owner.  Pipelines are well marked too.  So a hugh part of the states industry also effects it's rural people as it does those that live in the cities and towns throughout the state.
     Will have more to share next thrusday on the rural life here where I live.  If you would like to join the Rural Thursday group.  Please join Here at my friend Nancy's blog.  Till next time.....

     Life is all memory except for the one present moment that goes by so quickly
     you can hardly catch it going.
                                                                                     -- Tennessee Williams

Love and Hugs,


  1. Hi Nancze,
    Great news about your test results!And congrats on the weight loss. I did not realize you guys had oil wells. I knew Texas did where my Mom was born and we use to get small checks for some kind of oil rights years ago. After she passed my sister dropped the ball and did not make a fowarding address so who knows where the checks are going now? Hope you have a wonderful weekend. And yes some of the comedians are dirty Joan Rivers and Lisa Lampanelli are in concert but I love that :) Hugs, Dru

  2. Congrats on the great test results and the weight loss! How cool that you have an oil well on your property! Just like The Beverly Hillbillies! ;) Makes me hear that song in my head! :D Have a great weekend! (((Hugz)))

  3. Hi Nancze, Congrats on the good test resuls and weight loss. I knew there was oil in Oaklahoma but I never imagined that there was an oil well on your property. Neat! *hugs*

  4. Great job on losing so much weight Nancze!You go girl!!Good job.Happy to hear your tests came out good.Hope you have a wonderful weekend.*Love n Hugs*.Kaye

  5. Hi Nancze;

    Congratulations on the test results and weight loss. Keep up the good work! ;-} I never thought of oil wells in Oklahoma and never thought you had one on your property. I love learning new things about my friends. Have a lovely first day of May my friend. Hugs

  6. Hi Nanzce, our province of Alberta is very big into oil as well. Congrats on the weight loss and test results! No new post at my blog, I'm being lazy this week :). Have a super day. hugs xx

  7. Hi Nanzcze, happy Thursday. Just zipping over to see how you're doing and to wish you a wonderful weekend ahead! ((hugs)) xx

  8. Ciao Nancze, happy Friday and happy May. :)
    Congrats on the weight loss and test results! Yay!
    Jenny is so pretty, thanks for sharing! :)
    Got home on Monday, but have been knackered all week. I finally posted, but it's mostly a rant, LOL!
    Happy weekend, huggles!

  9. Ciao Nancze, hope you are enjoying May! :)

  10. Hi Nancze
    Stopping by to wish you a very happy mother's day!*Hugs* Kaye
    I am now at

  11. Hi Nancze, Happy Mother's Day and I enjoyed the info on the oil wells.

  12. Happy Mother's Day dear Nancze, hope it's a blessed one for you my friend. Hugs

  13. Have a wonderful week,Nancze! ((hugs))

  14. Hi Nancze;

    Dropped in to see what's new and to wish you a happy weekend ahead. Hugs

  15. Just dropping by to say HI! I hope all is well with you. Have a great rest of the week my dear....

  16. Hi Nancze!!! That is great news about the test results. I am so glad it went well.
    Oh yes, I remember seeing the oil rigs in OK when we would travel there. I haven't been there since my Grandparents died. :*( It is such a nice state.
    Have a nice week. ((BIG HUGS))!!

  17. AH HA!!! Hi Nancze... I sure have missed reading your blog... glad to have found you here on Blogger... I hope you come by for a visit!!! - hugs!

  18. Hi Nancze, hope everything's ok. Just peeking in to say hi and wish you a wonderful weekend. ((hugs))

  19. Hi Nancze
    Just dropping by to say *Hi* hope all is well with you!Hugs,Kaye

  20. Hi Nancze! Just popping by to say hi and I hope you are doing well. Huggles, Jules

  21. Well done with your weightloss Nancze. I hope you're enjoying good health throughout summer. Leaving you warm hugs.

  22. Hi Nancze,

    How are you doing? Hope all is well. Just letting you know I've got my website up and running again. Here's the link to my blog:

    Take care.

  23. Hi Nancze
    Wanted to drop by and wish you and your family a Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.Hugs,Kaye
