Monday, April 16, 2012

Stormy Week-end

     Not much to post about since my last one.  We were in a very Tornado storm watch week-end and so I didn't even get online to much due to that lighting, thunder and hail.  We had some pretty good hits of the rain and such, but luckily no tornado's here.  The town that was hit the worst and on TV news was Woodward, Ok.   It is way up in the Northwest part of the state and not far from the start of the panhandle.  I'm very familiar with Woodward as when we live in Seiling we were only about 30+ miles away from it.  We did a lot of our shopping up there as Seiling was pretty small and not many stores to choose from.  While we lived their our neighbor and friend who built our house for us also opened up a second grocery store.  We thought we were big time then. lol. 
     My memories of the years we lived up in the northwest part of the state are nothing but great ones.  I made many good friends there and we also had our first and only built for us home there.  Also both of my children, Cliff and Emily, were born in the small hospital there.  I loved my doctor and the nursing staff so much.  It also is the place where I Began my nursing career in medicine as a nurse aide at the local nursing home.  It was were I learned my calling for elder care nursing.  I did go on to become a licensed practical nurse, but never made it to get my RN, which I had always hoped to get.  I was happy with where my career went and have no regrets, except I wish they would of had more of the newer ways to lift and care for the elderly so I wouldn't be in the shape I am now.  Knees blown out and a back that can never be repaired to be normal again.  I truly have no regrets though, I am receiving disability and I am still able to walk a little though not far and that is what counts.  I truly hope that I never had to be in a wheel chair, but if it happens I know it was meant to be.  At 64 I have no desire to face a lot of surgeries that may or may not work or help.  God will direct my path and I know with faith that I'll have a good and happy life ahead.
     While the storms were about I watched TV when it was on and worked on my crocheting.  So that is how my world turned over the week-end.  I hope you all had a great week-end and were safe.  Till next time think on this.......

      A flower falls even though we love it.
      A weed grows eve though we don't love it.

Love and Hugs!


  1. Glad you weren't affected by the storms, at least the worst of it. I kept in touch with my daughter who lives in Bartlesville to make sure they were okay. Have a blessed day.

  2. Hi Nancze,
    Happy to hear that you weren't affected by those awful tornados! Scary stuff to see and hear about! Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday. Hugs, Dru

  3. Hi Nancze!
    So glad to meet you. I am adding you to my blog list also.
    I will be back to visit!
    Have a lovely day today.

  4. Ciao Nancze, glad you were not affected but the storm! :)
    Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  5. Hi Nancze!

    Love the pic of Valerie and the kids; what a good lookin' family! Glad to hear that the tornadoes missed you. Spring is eluding us here. It's snowing today. Your new doggies are adorable. Blue is gorgeous. The view you have looks so beautiful, too. Wide open countryside :). Have a lovely week. ((hugs))xx

  6. Hi Nancze;

    When I watch the storms on TV I was praying it wasn't in your area. I'm glad you didn't get the tornados. So much damage and distruction this year in many places. Have a lovely day ahead my friend. Hugs
