Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring - Rain and Storms

     I sure miss the sun lately, in the past 2 weeks it has only shown for a bit on just maybe 3 or 4 days.  This dreary weather is good for the earth and the growing of trees, plants and flowers, but it does nothing for my mood.  As hard as I try I can't seem to not let it make me a bit depressed, then to top it off with other problems well it really is hard to fight off the sad and maddening mood that comes over me.  But I am trying and always will.  Being sad and upset just really makes me feel much worse.  How does it effect you? 
     Yesterday I took Curly outside on leash, otherwise he'd take off and would be just to hard for me to catch.  Our new outside dog, Blue, was here of course.  He has a wonderful disposition and stays up around the house so well.  If he wanders any, it must be at night when we are asleep.  Due to his size and build though I don't worry about him running into any coyotes, for he could certainly take them on.  I posted one of the pictures on FB telling family and friends and two family members say he looks like he has blue heeler in him and coon dog traits.  One sister in law said he looked iike her Tucker who is a Blue Tick Coon dog.  What ever that is, *smiles*.  Anyway I wanted to share them here with my blogging friends too.

Blue guarding the door and Curly wanting him to play.  lol you can see how Curly's tail curls up over his back real well and lets his hind-end show!

This shows Blue's size well and his all blue=white tail.  I have no idea what he weighs, but I do know it's a lot and he is strong.

     My daughter in law shared a new picture of her and the kids so I wanted to share it here.  Eli looks just like my son Cliff at that age and Madison looks so much like her beautiful mom Valarie.  They are growing up to fast!

Maybe one day soon they'll share a picture of Cliff and the kids *smile*

     JD is off today and running around.  It says it is 63 outside, but I am cold.  The wind is blowing pretty hard though and that always makes it feel colder than it is.  Not to sure what the rest of the day holds for me.  I am working on a prayer shawl that I'm doing with string and using the filet stitch to put a rose on it with the crocheting.  I can see it's going to be really lovely.  Not sure when I'll finish it, just working on it bits at a time each day.  The pattern is beginning to show up though so it makes me anixous to get it done.  If any of you my friends would love a shawl just let me know.  I love making them and they need homes.  Just tell me in the comments if you'd like one.  I'll get a picture of this one when I finish it.  It doesn't have to be a prayer shawl either.  There are some lovely ones that aren't and I would love to make them too. 

     That about covers the news in my world for today, well at least so far.  Let me leave you with this......

     Life has not taught me to expect nothing, but she hastaught me not to expect success to be the inevitable resure of my endevors.
                                                                                       -- Alan Paton

Love and Hugs,


  1. Hi Nancze! Blue is a handsome fellow! He looks like a good farm/hunting dog. Nice to see a photo of the grandkids and Valarie! They are getting sooo big! Must be fun for you to have another mini-Cliff! :) Hope your weather improves... I don't like the dreary weather either! (((Hugz)))

  2. Hi Nancze;

    I'm back online and trying to catch up with my visits to all my friends blogs. And it looks like I missed quite a bit here. Love the photos of Blue and Curley. I agree with Darylynn that Blue looks like a good farm/hunting dog. Hope your holidays were blessed and this week brings you blessings and sunshine my friend. Hugs

  3. We used to have a coon hound that looked very much like your Blue. She was a wonderful, but noisy, dog!
