Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ok I finally figured out how to add some photos to my blog.  Above are the lights of my life.  *smiles*  Preston, who is 7, is my Daughter's son Emily and his Dad is Michael.  Just below you see Eli, who is 4, and Madison, who is 7.  They are my son's, Cliff, children and their mom is Valarie.  Emily is expecting Sept 22 and giving Preston a brother or sister.  Emily does ask for prayers for a good pregnancy and not to have twins,  lol.  They run on both sides of the famly.  I think if there were 2 beautiful and healthy babies she will be able to handle it.  *smiles*

I have been kind of debating on whether I should post at night for the previous day, as I do tend to find myself awake alot late at night, or I wake up in the night and usually sit up for while.  Or blog in the mornings.  It's hard to decide since I usually do both.  I just want to find the most effective time. 

I did get out today and ventured into town to have lunch with my daughter.  We ate at the local Pizza Hut.  I usually go there since I don't get out that often and I love pizza and don't get it often enough.  I don't need it though, all those calories, but it's so rare I don't think it really hurts and it doesn't seem to effect my diabetes.  It was beautiful today, I don't know if it made it to the 70's but I am sure it was close.  Tomorrow is suppose to be a pretty day too.  If someone is at the animal shelter I plan to have my hubby take me down there to see about fostering a cat.  I need a good mouser,  lol  my luck though it won't hunt them.  I hope so.  They have been bad this year. 

Tonight Survivor was on.  The girls finally won both challenges and didn't have to go to council finally.  It's really boosted their moral and they needed it.  They had some really nasty storms tonight too.  The guys have a tarp so they invited the girls to join them.  They guys also give them fire often.  They are getting a bit tired though of giving the girls so much and getting nothing back.  But not sure what the girls have the guys need except maybe a cook,  lol  It has been interesting that both camps are close on the same beach.  I'm not as into this time as I usually am.  Can't decide who I like the most.  The gals haven't been getting along to well.  It's a curse I think when you try to get a group of woment together and not have some kind of conflict.  I wonder if it's in the female gene to mistrust other women,  lol... 

I added a link to my dear friend Vicki,  if you love to write, or would like to improve your writing skills, or just need some inspiration you need to visit her blog.  I love to visit and read all the information and inspiring quotes from great writers.  I'm not the best in the world when it comes to writing. but I would love to learn more and give it a real go one day.  Who knows

Well that is how my world turned yesterday.  I hope today is a blessing to you and thank you to my sweet blogging friends who have been visiting.  I truly love to hear from you and love to visit.  Take care...

Love and Hugs  Nancze 


  1. Hi Nancze! Sorry I didn't make it by sooner was just to busy :) Your grandkids are adorable :) I am not really liking anyone yet on Survivor which is weird early on I usually have favorites maybe because they made the tribes boys and girls. Yes finally the girls won. They don't seem to be doing to well huh?? Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Dru

  2. Hi Nancze!Darling grandkids.Hope you've had a wonderful day today.Take care,Hugs

  3. Hi NANCZE. I am glad the girls won too. I don't think they will get anymore help from the guys since they won't share. We will see. I am glad you got the picture thing worked out. Have a great weekend!

  4. Ciao Nancze,
    Your grandkids are adorable :)
    Hope you are having a lovely evening!
