Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sleep Perchance to Dream

     I wish I knew why I can't sleep at night.  Last night I was up and down until about 5:30 am Then when I fell asleep JD woke me up when he left and Buddy started Barking from his bed and I couldn't fall back to sleep.  So reluctantly I got up feeling horrible on just maybe 2 hours sleep.  Of course I laid down this afternoon and slept until now and it's almost time for JD to be heading home.  I do this quite frequently and now I'll probably not be able to go to sleep tonight.  It really frustrates me as I am tired and want to sleep, but just can't.  I can't think of anything particular that I'm worried or stressed about.  I guess I just mess up my time clock and get turned around.  I don't know why I worry so much as I've always been a night owl, ever since I can remember.  Even working the graveyard shift for years because it was easier for me to be awake and alert.  It was a pain much of the time when the kids were little and growing up.  I would be lucky to get 3 or 4 hours sleep before they came home from school and I would take a nap in the evening before I had to leave for work.  Now that I am home I can't seem to get my body schedule turned around.  If I ever have to go to a home when I am a lot older  I will drive the help crazy,  lol...
      Another nice day.  The clouds keep the sun from shining most of the time, but it's around 75 degrees right now.  It's suppose to make it up to the low 80's but not sure it's going to make it.  Since I've slept most of the day away, not much to chat about.  A couple of my favorite shows are on tonight so I'll just settle down and watch them.  Also I started reading Sarah Palin's book "Going Rogue"  Bought it out of curiosity some I'm anxious to see if it's any good.  It's a book book, got it before I got my Kindle.  I love my kindle.  It doesn't talk or anything, just down load books to read.  You can categorise them into different types of literature which makes it easier to keep up with what you have.  Only thing I wish it would do is mark a book somehow to let me know I've already read it.  I would like to get the Kindle Fire one day.  Would be fun to have one you can interact with and watch movies on.
     Well I did post a picture, it's my new profile picture of my perm.  I believe I really needed it to be a bit more curly as it's so much body that it will fall out pretty quickly.  What really hurts a perm for me is having to wear that cpap mask every night.  It does push the hair down and the curl disappears faster till I wash it again.  Not a problem I guess since I really don't go anywhere that often.  I can wash it quickly and air dry it or use my brush curling iron to make it a different look.  I hate the picture.  I look so old, so many wrinkles and I look so pale to me.  I feel I am one who is not aging gracefully, lol... 
     This is rather short.  Maybe my world will hold more excitement tomorrow.  Emily saw the doctor yesterday and everything is going well.  They want her to lose and I need to lose badly myself.  I get so little exercise that cutting my calories way back is about the only way I drop weight anymore.  I can't get my son or hubby to bring my treadmill back into the house, but with my knee being so bad I don't know as I'd be able to use it that much.  Every little bit helps though.  I will put some upbeat music on and move while in my chair.  I do believe that though it doesn't help much it does help some.  So till next time I'll leave you with this thought......

          .... True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day that goes by ...
                                                                                          -- E. S. Bouton

Love and Hugs,


  1. Hi Nancze,
    Your perm looks great. Your hair sure is long :) I have had sleeping issues all my life. I am a very light sleeper and always wake up a few times a night every night. I try not to take an over the counter sleeping pill everynight but at least a few times a week I do. Hope you have a great evening and get some sleep tonight :)

  2. I never had trouble sleeping until I hit menopause -- then all bets were off. Oh, how I'd love to have a good night's sleep for once! :)

  3. Hi Nancze, I like the perm and I like your hair that length. I have trouble sleeping too since menopause, not that bad though, I can usually fall asleep again in about an hour or two, if I can't I don't fight it I just put my earphones in my ears and listen to the radio.

  4. Hi Nancze;

    I was never a great sleeper myself. I really like your new perm. As for exercise, I too have bad knees. I miss the days I used to walk for miles on end. No use complaining as it won't change a thing. Have a lovely day my friend. Hugs

  5. 'afternoon, Nancze,
    I love the perm and the new photo! Your hair is longer than I thought. The last pic you had it was shorter. It looks lovely. I had, and still have problems sometimes, getting back to 'normal' sleeping hours. I worked nightshifts for about 4 /12 years. We cut off our cable channels, for now, to save money so I am not watching any tv. We have lots of movies to watch, though. I'm the type that can watch the same favorite movie over and over and over lol. I am on Harry Potter movies and Avatar 'binge' this week as well as Lord of the Rings movies. I brought out my library of NCIS dvds last night. We have most of the seasons. I absolutely LOVE NCIS. Have a great day sweetie. ((hugs))
